Please send your information to
See also the Class 33 Current Fleet page.
Class 33 TOPS - Jim M (Via Rail-Gen) - 29/12/98
Last 33's withdrawn 1600 29/12/98 at Hoo Junction to be dragged to HG.
Class 33 TOPS - Jim M (Via Rail-Gen) - 24/12/98
1300 hrs today.
33025 now stored in WNXX pool.
pool WNWX (EWS strategic fleet) contains
33019 @ HG waiting materials expect ok 05/07
33030 @ Hoo junction
33202 en route Hoo-Sheerness 0U77
Merry Christmas everyone!
Class 33 TOPS - David Robinson - 22/12/98
Just to confirm yesterdays picture - 21/12/98;
33 019 Hither Green, U/S On Decision - Shifted Tyres
33 025 Hither Green, U/S Exhauster Defects
33 030 Spare at Hoo Junction all day
33 202 7L07 Hoo Junction - Temple Mills & 6O68 return
33's in trouble......
33 019
Stopped at Hither Green on Saturday 19/12/98 with shifted tyres. Locomotive on decision and could be officially stored/withdrawn this week.
33 025
Still out of traffic at Hither Green. Oil pump was repaired but now found to have one defective exhauster. Could transfer one from 33 019 but given limited life left, will possibly withdraw also.
Cromptons (those remaining!) should be transferred into new EWS pool, WLAN any day now.
Class 33 TOPS - Jim M - 21/12/98
Just a little note to let you know 33025 is stored unserviceable with exhaust problems :-( If this seems too trivial 47522 was WITHDRAWN with the same trouble.
I've heard Jan 10 as the final day for Cromptons.
Class 33 TOPS - David Robinson - 17/12/98
Further to the TOPS posted via Rail-Gen today, some entries require updating/correcting;
33 025 is out of traffic at Hither Green with oil pump failure and is waiting parts from 33 026 at EH - should come 17/12 and be back in traffic shortly.
33 202 is still out of traffic at Hither Green following B Exam - apparently needs two new buffers which will also come from 33 026.
Also of note;
33025 and 33 030 top and tailed an engineering train from Hoo Junc - Uckfield on Sat 12th/Sun13th
Class 33 TOPS - Geoff Endacott via Rail-Gen. Class 33 Status - 15.00 16/12/98
33019-Hoo Junction Up Yard, 33025-Purley Yard, 33030-7L07 Hoo-Temple Mills, 33202-0Y69 Didcot-Hither Green
Class 33 TOPS - David Robinson via Rail-Gen. Class 33 Status - 15.00 10/12/98
33019 Available - Hoo Junction, 33025 6Y94 Purley - Cliffe, 33030 6Y94 Purley - Cliffe, 33202 Hither Green - B Exam
Class 33 TOPS - Jim M
Just a quick note with the usual printout, look carefully and you will see
all Cromptons were out and about except 026, 019/116 are coming up to Birmingham on the
Fawley-Bromford tanks AGAIN, 025/202 are on the Purley to Cliffe, 030/051 are at Stewarts
Lane with the Angerstein stone, not bad eh????
It's nice to see this many out in service all
at once :-) On a more sober note 046 is now shown on a tops enquiry with the fault
code ACCT/ONE which means withdrawn due to wear and tear.
33 019/116 worked 6M23 Eastleigh to Washwood Heath arriving Birmingham 2350hrs departing back with 6O16 0220 at this morning so again in 1998 they work the tanks but this time these pair have probably worked this train in the 60's as I have a picture in one of my books of 6534 (019) working this train in green livery with no yellow panel.